Punta Miller, Southwest Face

Chile, Northern Patagonia, Aysén Region
Author: Oriol Baró. Climb Year: 2023. Publication Year: 2024.

In early November, Andres Bosch, Lucia Guichot, Nico Tapia, and I climbed the obvious gully in the middle of the southwest face of Punta Miller (1,930m, 46°25’46.3”S, 72°34’05.4”W), at the head of the Miller Valley. We drove from Puerto Sánchez and then walked seven hours up the valley to camp below the south face. Our route gained 400m and had one crux pitch of WI4+ and another of M4. [The first known ascent of Punta Miller, west of the better-known Avellano Towers, was in October 2017, by César Ibáñez and Marco Poblete, who climbed the northwest couloir and proposed the name Punta Miller.]

— Oriol Baró, Catalunya

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