Wyoming, Tetons, Symmetry Spire (1)

Publication Year: 1963.

Wyoming, Tetons, Symmetry Spire (1). On June 23, a party of five was making an ascent of Storm Point. They ascended the Symmetry Spire Couloir. As Mrs. Slansky (44) was traversing the upper end of the snowfield, she slipped and fell and slid down the snow for about 30 feet, then across about 10 feet of bare rock and over the edge of a 6 foot drop into the snow. She attained a self-arrest position immediately upon slipping but was not able to stop because she was partially on her side. She was not belayed. The injuries were minor lacerations and abrasions. The party was able to continue their ascent. A snow-school of sorts had been conducted earlier in the day, and it was thought the individuals had developed sufficient ability.

Source: Leon R. Sinclair, Park Ranger; Bill Echo.

Analysis: The leader probably should have sensed the insecurity of the inexperienced climbers on snow and required the precaution of at least roping the members of the party across the snowfield.