Colorado Mountain Club

Publication Year: 1967.

Colorado Mountain Club. Three successful outings highlighted the activities of the club. The first, in early June, was a one-week boat trip along the shores of Lake Powell, recently formed by Glen Canyon Dam. The second was a two-week outing in the Gorge Range of central Colorado, where many interesting, although not high, peaks were climbed. Finally, there was a two-week outing in Jasper National Park of Canada, where alpine climbs of all degrees were accomplished. The club had two mountaineering schools, one held during the winter months that stressed ice and snow techniques, and the other held in spring which stressed technical rock climbing, safety, and general mountaineering practices. The club continued its increasing interest in matters of conservation, and important strides were taken in furthering conservation causes in the West generally and in Colorado in particular. The Colorado Mountain Club is working closely with other conservation groups in helping preserve our wilderness areas for future generations

David C. Hart, Chairman, Denver Group