To Avoid Duplication of Effort...

Publication Year: 1937.

To avoid duplication of effort in connection with the preceding research, it seems worthwhile to mention certain negative results. D. A. Robertson reports that careful investigation of the files of Baltimore papers fails to reveal any printed account of either the Howard-Van Rensselaer ascent of Mont Blanc (1819) or the Bean-Randall tragedy (1870). T. D. Cabot has conducted a search in Boston papers for further data on the catastrophe of 1870, but finds only the following notice which appeared in the Boston Daily Advertiser of September 16th, 1870:

Geneva, September 14. A telegram from Chamouni states that a party of tourists numbering eleven persons, while making the perilous ascent of Mont Blanc, were swallowed up by an avalanche, none escaping. Two of the adventurers lost were Americans named Bean and Kendall.

J. M. T.