Victor Lake Wall, new routes
Canada, Revelstoke
The steep, 365m-high, south-facing wall directly above Victor Lake, 15km west of Revelstoke, B.C., got its first route in 2007, when Dean Flick from Revelstoke completed the Mission after nearly 10 years of work. Since then the featured quartzite wall has sprouted nine routes up to 13 pitches long. Two recently established routes, Mystery and Grand Finale, are some of the best on the wall, and Mystery is among the hardest multi-pitch sport climbs in British Columbia.
Jonas Gessler and I did the first complete ascent of Mystery (13 pitches, 5.12c) in September. The name came from pushing the new route ground up, bolting on lead, unsure of what we’d find. Mystery is the most sustained route in Revelstoke, with five pitches in the 5.11 range and two in the upper 5.12 range. It’s a pure sport route, linking a natural line up steep, compact rock, and offers incredible climbing.
The newest addition is the 11-pitch Grande Finale (5.12d), which Alex Geary and I established in October. The name came from the final two pitches, which lead directly over a large overhang at the top of the wall. Grand Finale is sustained in the 5.10 to 5.11 range, with a section of hard 5.11 climbing and a short section of hard 5.12. Most of the route is bolted, but gear placements are needed.
Ruedi Beglinger, Canada