Completion of Triple Seven Summits

Author: Lindsay Griffin. Climb Year: 2013. Publication Year: 2014.

The Austrian Christian Stangl has become the first person to climb the three highest mountains on each of the seven continents. While many people now have climbed the so-called Seven Summits, only Stangl has—seemingly unequivocally—climbed each of the second highest as well as the third. Apart from Ojos del Salado, which he climbed in 1996, Stangl climbed all of these peaks from 2008–2013.

There has been debate in recent years on which peaks should rank as the second- and third-highest summits on several continents, particularly Australasia. Stangl measured his summit elevations by GPS, and his list, corroborated by the Asian authority Eberhard Jurgalski, from Germany, is as follows:

Second Seven Summits:

K2 (Asia, 8,611m)

Ojos del Salado (South America, 6,893m)

Logan (North America, 5,959m)

Dykh tau (Europe, 5,205m)

Batian (Africa, 5,199m)

Tyree (Antarctica, 4,852m)

Sumantri (Australasia, 4,870m)

Third Seven Summits:

Kangchenjunga (Asia, 8,586m)

Pissis (South America, 6,795m)

Orizaba (North America, 5,636m)

Shkhara (Europe, 5,193m)

Mawenzi (Africa, 5,148m)

Shinn (Antarctica, 4,660m)

Puncak Mandala (Australasia, 4,758m)