Heat Exhaustion, British Columbia, Coast Range, White Mountain

Publication Year: 1979.


British Columbia, Coast Range, White Mountain

A group of young men and women were taking a four-day Introductory Mountain Walk Course of the Canadian Outward Bound School, Kermos, British Columbia. They left the school at 1030 hours on 3 June 1978 bound for a campsite 3000 feet above and four miles from the school. The temperature was 34°C. Scott Atkinson was going slowly and he was relieved of most of his load after lunch. At 1730 hours he collapsed and was treated for heat exhaustion. His condition deteriorated and he was carried down the hill on a rope stretcher. At 1935 hours he stopped breathing. A helicopter retrieved him at 2115 hours and he was pronounced dead by a doctor. (Source: Adrian Todd, Outward Bound School Director)


The usual symptoms of heat stroke, such as strong pulse, hot, dry skin, and flushed appearance were not evident. The only reliable indicator of heat stroke is a high body temperature. (Source: Adrian Todd, Outward Bound School Director)