Colorado, Boulder Mountain Park

Publication Year: 1974.

Colorado, Boulder Mountain Park. On August 13th Jim Erickson (age 24) was free-soloing a difficult section on the north side of the Fourth Flatiron. He fell about fifty feet to the ground, breaking his right leg and both wrists, tearing ligaments, and receiving multiple lacerations and abrasions. He shouted for help and a party of hikers contacted the Sheriff, who in turn called the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group. Before assistance arrived Erickson was attempting to descend the rugged scree slope under his own power, possibly compounding his injuries. (Sources: Jim Herrington, W. G. May)

Analysis. Erickson has many years’ experience and climbs at the 5.10+ level. He is one of Boulder’s best climbers. He knew the dangers, gambled, and lost. (Sources: Herrington, May)