Alberta, Mt. Eisenhauer

Publication Year: 1962.

Alberta, Mt. Eisenhauer. On August 14, Adolf Bauer (26), Louise Carter (18), and Gerard Bots (30) climbed the southeast tower of Mt. Eisenhauer uneventfully. Carter and Bots rappeled down the first steep pitch while Bauer climbed down. Bots was told to set up another rappell with the extra rope at the next pitch while Bauer descended belayed by Carter. Bots set up a sling and then climbed down a chimney. The sling was unsatisfactorily placed and Bauer decided to belay Carter down the pitch and then follow himself. Carter joined Bots who had been requested to wait. As Bauer was climbing down Bots started down. About 100 ft. lower Carter caught up with him. Bots started to traverse to the east instead of west, still unroped, although Carter had the extra rope. Bauer was belaying Carter and he heard her scream as Bots fell some 500 ft. He was killed instantly. Bauer and Carter finished the descent. Bauer then climbed back and located Bots’ body. They then notified the park authorities. Evacuation was done the next day.

Source: Adolf Bauer.