Wyoming, Grand Teton National Park (4)

Publication Year: 1957.

Wyoming, Grand Teton National Park (4)—On August 23, 1956 Ken Weeks (18), David White (24), Curtis Butler (15) and Robert Haaheim (18) were returning from a completed ascent of Mt. Owen. They were glissading down a steep snow field when Weeks lost his balance and pitched forward striking his forearm on some sharp protruding rocks in the snow. Bleeding was severe until a cold compress of snow was applied to the wound. After the bleeding was slowed down, a gauze compress was applied and the injured climber was able to continue his descent.

Source: W. Ward Yeager, Acting Superintendent, Grand Teton National Park.

Analysis: (W. W. Yeager). Accidents of this type are difficult to prevent as the judgment of each climber is slightly different and in this case it appears that the accident would have happened as easily even if the climbers had been roped. Glissading near rocks on snow fields is always poor practice.