North America, United States, California, Sierra Nevada, Lone Pine Peak, Pathways Through to Space

Publication Year: 2005.

Lone Pine Peak, Pathways Through to Space. V 5.10 Al. First ascent August 1, by Stephen Quale and Scotty Nelson. This route starts about 100' left of the huge inside corner on the south face. Climb a right-facing corner (marked by a prominent roof five pitches above) to the top of a pedestal. Continue up the right-facing dihedral (5.8) to a ledge with a bush. Climb the off-width splitter crack (5.8) to a belay ledge. Move to the left wall of the dihedral and climb double cracks (5.8) to a hanging belay at a bush, underneath the prominent roof. Move to the right, under the roof (A1 ) to another hanging belay, and climb the corner and chimney above for two or three pitches to a bolted belay stance at Dead Tree Terrace. Continue up Windhorse to the top. Protection to 5" is needed.

R.J. Secor, AAC