North America, Greenland, South-North Traverse

Publication Year: 1994.

South-North Traverse. Reinhold Messner and his brother Dr. Hubert Messner completed a remarkable traverse of Greenland, which took them not only from the southern part of the island to the north but also across from the eastern to the western side. They started from Isertok Ammassalik at 65°40'N, 38°55'W and ended at Qaanaaq/Thule at 77°25'N, 69°25'W. Two Inuit Greenlanders accompanied them for two-and-a-half days with dog teams to get them up onto the inland ice. From then on, they were entirely on their own. They carried out this 2200-kilometer-long trip in the amazingly short time of only 35 days between April 23 and May 27 without motor support or pre-placed depots. They had temperatures down to -40° C and strong southeast and southwest winds. The wind aided them by letting them make fast progress, sailing over the snow with parawings. They averaged 60 kilometers per day and even covered 170 kilometers on one day.