North America, United States, Utah, Other Canyonlands Climbs

Publication Year: 1994.

Other Canyonlands Climbs. Jimmy Dunn and Keith Reynolds added a new route to Predator Tower on October 31. The appropriately named Rain of Dust (5.11/5.11+) takes a line on the north side of the tower, traverses continually right and eventually joins for its last pitch the original south-face route climbed by Dunn and Kyle Copeland in 1991. The tower lies down the Kane Spring)s road, south of Moab, directly north of and below Hurrah Pass. Jeff Widen reports a climb he made with Mitch Allen in November, 1991. “Tiko Tower” was ascended by a route called Brave Little Toaster (III, 5.9, Al). Paul Frank and Fred Lifton worked on the first pitch prior to Widen and Allen’s ascent. The tower is located along the White Rim, a couple of miles before Monster Tower, in the Island-in-the-Sky district of Canyonlands National Park.

Cameron Burns