North America, United States, Washington, Mount Kent, North Face in Winter, and Little Finger, Southeast Face
Mount Kent, North Face in Winter, and Little Finger, Southeast Face. On February 15, Dallas Kloke and I ascended the unclimbed 1200-foot north face of Mount Kent, southeast of McClellan Butte. Unroped cramponing up low-angle snow and ice led to a tree belay. Several more pitches through trees and brush led to a prominent gully which took us to the timbered summit ridge. On July 15, Gabe Cohen and I climbed the loose, lichen-covered route on the southeast face of Little Finger after ascending the north face of Kangaroo Temple. We ascended right towards some cracks for protection. Continuing straight up, I encountered 5.7 climbing, using thin cracks behind loose blocks for handholds. A short section of face climbing brought me to a belay ledge at 150 feet. The final 50 feet was easy scrambling.
Chris Weidner, University of Washington