Asia, Pakistan, P 6940 Attempt and Ascent of Peak Near Skilbrum

Publication Year: 1993.

P 6940 Attempt and Ascent of Peak Near Skilbrum. A seven-man Japanese team led by Tadakiyo Sakahara had originally been planning to climb Gasher- brum II, but they suffered such delays in Islamabad that when they arrived at the Baltoro Glacier, they realized they did not have sufficient time. They established Base Camp at Gore on August 8 and Advance Base at the head of the Biange Glacier at 4740 meters on August 11. The next day, Sakahara, Kouji Matsui, Shinji Chiba and Toshiyuki Kitamura climbed to the 6010-meter col on the ridge west of Skilbrum and continued to the left up another peak, the summit of which they reached at 6:30 that night. They returned to bivouac in the col. The following day, they attempted to climb P 6940 but were too exhausted to complete the climb.