South America, Argentina—Northern Andes, Cerro Tres Quebradas, West Peak

Publication Year: 1993.

Cerro Tres Quebradas, West Peak. Our Italo-Argentine expedition had as members Italian scientists Francesco Matelli and Claudio Scala and Argentines Orlando Bravo, Juan Abregui, Rodolfo Alonso, José Paliza, Daniel Villagra and me. Between January 21 and February 12, we followed the route of the 1937 Polish expedition to the Puna. After several days on foot and horseback, we reached the Polish Base Camp in Tres Quebradas. A group led by my father, Orlando Bravo, explored the long Polish route to the Nevado Pissis. Meanwhile Agregui, Mantelli, Villagra and I on January 29 climbed P 5980 (19,620 feet), which sits on the border with Chile. This had first been climbed in 1965. This is the western of the twin peaks of Nevado de los Patos and is also called Cerro de Tres Quebradas. The higher summit (6250 meters) lies entirely in Argentina.

Claudio Bravo, Club Andino Tucumán, Argentina