Memphis Mountaineers
Memphis Mountaineers. In 1988, the Memphis Mountaineers enjoyed a productive year. The total membership of 66 included 42 regular members residing in the Memphis, Tennessee, area, eight honorary members, and 16 associate members scattered throughout the United States. The club sponsored one domestic expedition, involving five participants at Yosemite National Park, California. The club also sponsored an expedition to climb several 5000-meter peaks in Ecuador. The Memphis Mountaineers assisted with the production of a Memphis State University Park Ranger Training video concerning Search and Rescue at Tishomingo State Park in Tishomingo, Mississippi. While at Tishomingo, the Mountaineers assisted with the actual rescue of an injured climber. The club also sponsored numerous shorter outings to Mid-South bluffs, the Carolinas, Texas and Colorado. Individual members were active afield, and successes included a variety of activities ranging from mountaineering in Peru to ascents in the Cascades of the Pacific Northwest.
The Memphis Mountaineers met monthly on second Mondays at seven P.M. in the Highland Branch of the Memphis Library. Informative programs presented at 1988 meetings included a variety of subjects such as glacier travel in the Cascades, outdoor photography, and mountaineering in South America. Other club functions involved one basic ice-climbing course, four basic rock-climbing courses, a fund-raising banquet for the Ecuador expedition, and social events, most notably the club’s 10th Anniversary Reunion at Johnson Shut-Ins State Park in Missouri.
Members were notified of club activities through the monthly newsletter, the Memphis Mountain News. Club officers included Scott Hall, president; Marc Nagel, vice president; Robin Daniels, treasurer; Bill Henson, secretary; Suzy Ferrenbach, newsletter editor; Bob Lee, Yosemite Expedition Leader; and Jim Detterline, Ecuador Expedition Leader. Anyone with an interest in promoting climbing in the Mid-South is encouraged to join Memphis Mountaineers. For more information, write Memphis Mountaineers, Inc., RO. Box 11124, Memphis, TN 38111.
Scott Hall, President