Asia, USSR, Ak-Su, Pamir-Alay

Publication Year: 1989.

Ak-Su, Pamir-Alay. From June 28 to July 21, fifteen Yugoslavs from various parts of the country led by Lazar Popara of Vojvodina climbed in the Ak-Su area of the Turkestan Range, one of the most difficult climbing regions in the USSR. Wild and hard faces, altitudes between 3000 and 5000 meters and unstable weather are factors. We did the following three new routes on the big face of Ak-Su: Tolmin Couloir and Novo Sad Couloir, both on July 5 and Slovene Route on July 7, all three by Jože, Šerbec and me. Some of the climbers attempted the normal route on Ak-Su but were turned back by storm. Numerous other easier climbs were made.

Darko Podgornik, Planinska Zveza Slovenije, Yugoslavia