Asia, Nepal, Annapurna Dakshin Tragedy

Publication Year: 1986.

Annapurna Dakshin Tragedy. An 11-man Greek expedition had hoped to climb the east face of Annapurna Dakshin (Annapurna South) by the east face to the east ridge, the same route as the Hong Kong team in 1976. Four members, Deputy Leader Dimitris Bountolas, Christos Lambris, Klimis Tsatsaragos and leader Mike Tsoukias reached a high point of 6500 meters on October 22. A windslab avalanche started by Bountolas or by Robert Wohlschlager, a German climbing near them killed Tsatsaragos and Wohlschlager and seriously injured Bountolas and Lambris. Bountolas was killed in a second avalanche that evening. Camp III was completely destroyed and many supplies and gear were lost. The expedition was abandoned.

Michael J. Cheney, Himalayan Club, and Elizabeth Hawley