Asia, Nepal, Annapurna II Attempt

Publication Year: 1984.

Annapurna II Attempt. A six-member team from South Korea was led by Jung Sang-Mo. They set up Base Camp and Camps I, II, IV and V at 11,500, 14,750, 16,725, 22,300 and 23,950 feet on September 3, 4, 7, October 1 and 8 respectively. They hoped to climb the north face to the west ridge. Although they set up Camp V on the north face on October 8, they could not stay there due to heavy snowfall and wind toward evening. They returned to Camp IV, where an avalanche struck them at eight P.M. on October 10. Jung was buried, but he was dug out and brought down to Camp III by the others. An avalanche then hit Camp III as well. He was carried down further but they had to bivouac on the way to Camp II. He was evacuated to Kathmandu because of frostbite. The expedition continued but was finally abandoned on October 23 because of heavy snowfall, high winds and avalanches.

Kamal K. Guha, Himalayan Club