South America, Peru—Cordillera Huaytapayana, Lasontay, 1982

Publication Year: 1984.

Lasontay, 1982. On August 10, 1982 all members of an Italian expedition, D. De Nigro, A. Farina, C. Roberti, P., G., A. and M. Gatti, M. Barcelli, E. Moreschi, O. Brembilla, A. Perico and S. Gambirasio, reached the summit of Lasontay Oeste (5330 meters, 17,487 feet) by the southwest ridge. They descended the south-southeast ridge. On August 12, 1982, Farina, Perico, Gam- barasio and De Nigro climbed the main peak of Lasontay (5572 meters, 18,280 feet) by the entire east ridge, a new route in its upper part which they found more difficult than the last part which had been climbed by Ghiglione in 1953.