Scientific Notes—Classification of High Altitude Retinal Hemorrhage (HARH)

Publication Year: 1983.

Classification of High Altitude Retinal Hemorrhage (HARH)

Method of Reporting Findings and Request for Collection of Data on High Altitude Retinal Hemorrhage. Dr. Michael Wiedman, Harvard Medical School, 243 Charles Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02214, urges doctors who will be members of expeditions going to high altitudes to assist him in his study of High Altitude Retinal Hemorrhage. He stresses that retinal examination of the gross features is within the scope of any physician and may be learned by ancillary medical personnel. The reason for the study is to determine the relationships of retinal hemorrhage to altitude illness and cerebral edema. Additional detailed description, report forms and possibly lightweight ophthalmoscopes are available on application to him. Examiners are invited to submit information, which will be computerized and collated data will be shared with the sender.

A complete description of the facing page illustration will be sent on application to interested examiners.

Michael Wiedman, M.D.