North America, United States, Colorado, Lumpy Ridge, Bookmark Pinnacle, Between the Sheets

Publication Year: 1982.

Bookmark Pinnacle, Between The Sheets, Lumpy Ridge. In June Bill Wylie and I made the first ascent of Between The Sheets (II, 5.11d). The route follows the thin crack on the wall just left of Fantasy Ridge but right of Sidewinder Cracks. Two bolts were placed for the belay after the first and crux pitch, which is protected mostly by small R.P.’s. The second pitch is only moderate 5.10 face climbing but would require a bolt to be safe. We would have placed it except for having left the bolt kit on the ground. The route took us two days (the first hundred feet took seven hours). It has only had one repeat, by Hidetaka Suzuki. He said in his wonderful accent, “ ’bery ’bery haad. On Astloman I fall 10 times, on Betleen the Sheets I fall twenty.”

Malcolm Daly, Unaffiliated