A.A.C., Oregon Section

Publication Year: 1980.

A.A.C., Oregon Section. In addition to the usual dinner meetings, the Section’s activities were concentrated in four areas. Once again Jim Angell did an excellent job in putting out the newsletter, which keeps our members, plus many national members and friends, in touch with the Section and informed of its activities.

RARE II (Roadless Area Review and Evaluation) and the potential new wilderness areas which these roadless areas represent were of much concern to the Section. Nick Dodge and Jim Angell burned many hours of midnight oil analyzing RARE II and following through with detailed information to our members as to what it really says and proposes to do.

Smith Rock State Park, the best rock climbing area in Oregon, was again the Section’s pet project. After more than five years of meetings with the State and much individual effort by members and non-members, we have succeeded in obtaining approval of a greatly needed overnight camping area within the park. At our November meeting, Jerry Lucus of the State Park Bureau, was given the “Friend of the Oregon Section Award” for his understanding and help in achieving our goals for Smith Rock. The A.A.C. Smith Rock Invitational Work Day was held March 31. Over 45 persons showed up with tools and willing hands to stem the tide of erosion, caused by so many making their own personal trails. Improvement of the most logical trail system and blockage of unneeded trails will, it is hoped, help solve the problem. This event will be held annually on the last Saturday in March.

Finally, the Section was host to the Club’s 78th Annual Meeting with the Annual Dinner and Program, held at Timberline Lodge on Mount Hood under the capable chairmanship of Chuck Adams. Judging from comments of those in attendance, we had a most successful and entertaining meeting. A more detailed description of the meeting appears elsewhere in this Journal.

Gary Kirk, Chairman