Asia, Nepal, Annapurna, Dutch Rib
Annapurna, Dutch Rib. Our expedition was to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Federation of Shizuoka Prefecture Mountain Clubs. We were Hironobu Yagi, leader, Kazuo Ishikawa, Keizo Tanabe, Hiroyuki Takita. Hiroyuki Uno, Shuji Yanagisawa, Takashi Mitsui, Sadao Kudo, Seizo Tanaka, Yoshishige Morita, Kat- suhiro Watanabe and I. We began our approach from Pokhara on March 6 with 230 porters. We placed Base Camp at 13,775 feet on the North Annapurna Glacier on March 28. Camps I, II, III, IV and V were established at 16,075, 17,725, 20,000, 22,475 and 24,600 feet on April 4, 13, 25 and 28 and May 4 respectively. The weather was bad on May 5 and the climbers descended to Camp IV. One of the pair suffered from high-altitude sickness and had to be carried down on May 6. On May 8 Tanaka and Sherpa Pemba reached the summit at 12:05 P.M. We withdrew from Base Camp on May 14.
Yasuo Kubota, Shizuoka Prefecture Mountain Federation, Japan