A.A.C., Sierra Nevada Section

Publication Year: 1976.

A.A.C., Sierra Nevada Section. The Section had five meetings in 1975 including our now traditional spring meeting in Yosemite and fall picnic at Raffi Bedayn’s home. A major concern has been the Yosemite Master Plan being drafted by the National Park Service. R.D. Caughron chaired a Yosemite Task Force that polled members for their views on the subject, met with the Park Service, and presented two position statements of the Section’s views. The task force did an excellent job of publicizing the issues being considered in Yosemite to Club members.

Programs at the meetings were given by Chris Jones on the first ascent of North Twin, Vera Watson on the 1975 International Climbers Camp in the Caucasus, and by Frank Uher on a climb of the southeast ridge of Mount Foraker. Eric Shipton was our guest at the fall picnic, after which he showed a superb series of slides of the five British Everest expeditions from 1922 to 1938.

Our Section members climbed in the Karakoram, the Himalaya, the Andes, the Caucasus, Alaska, and the Coast Range of British Columbia. We were deeply saddened by the loss of Bruce Carson, one of the Club’s most promising climbers.

There are currently 146 members in the Section. Officers for 1975- 1976 include Irene Miller, Chairperson; David H. Coward, Vice-Chairperson; Arlene Blum, Secretary-Treasurer.

Arlene Blum, Secretary