Asia, India, Garhwal, P 6992, P 6911 and Bamchu

Publication Year: 1976.

P 6992, P 6911 and Bamchu. Base Camp was set up by the Japan Himalaya Mountaineering Association Expedition on a glacial lake at the end of the Changabang Glacier on August 31. After unsuccessful attempts were made on Changabang, thwarted by avalanche dangers, they moved Base Camp to the Uttar Rishi Glacier and climbed the following peaks: Bamchu (20,680 feet) on September 20 by all members; P 6992 (22,940 feet) on September 27 by Jiro Imai, Meiro Hagiwara and on September 28 by Sumi Shimizu, leader, Sadashige Inada, Mahito Nose and Hideo Tateno; and P 6911 (22,674 feet) on October 2 by Jiro Imai and Hagiwara.

Ichiro Yoshizawa, A.A.C. and Japanese Alpine Club