Asia, Nepal, Kwangde

Publication Year: 1976.

Kwangde. A Nepalese expedition to the Everest region was led by Kumar Khadga Bikram Shah, President of the Nepalese Mountaineering Association. They were accompanied by a Japanese television team. They had originally hoped to climb Karyolung but called this off after establishing on that mountain Camps I and II at 16,100 and 18,700 feet on October 2 and 9; they found they would have to climb intervening peaks to reach the top. Camps I and II on Kwangde were set up at 16,400 and 18,750 feet on October 13 and 15. On October 17 Lhakpa Tenzing, Sonam Gyalzen, Shambhu Tamang and Sona Hisi reached the summit (19,997 feet) on October 17.

Kamal K. Guha, Himalayan Club