Potomac Appalachian Trail Club

Publication Year: 1975.

Potomac Appalachian Trail Club. The club’s Mountaineering Section began 1974 in possession of a small tract of land near Mouth of Seneca, West Virginia. A major goal for the year was the construction of a cabin on this site for the use of climbers at Seneca Rocks. A generous appropriation was made by the club, and over $2000 was collected through a fund raising program within the Mountaineering Section. Our cabin committee negotiated a contract for a prefabricated cabin, and work at the cabin site began in February. But in May these efforts were frustrated by a condemnation notice on the site from the U.S. Forest Service. At the time of this report, negotiations for the purchase of a new site for our Seneca Rocks cabin are still in progress.

In other areas, our efforts were more fruitful. In order to make the section more effective as the spokesman for climbing in the Washington, D.C., area, the Mountaineering Section actively solicited participation in its activities by all local climbers. Membership in the section grew in 1974 despite a dues increase. Monthly meetings and programs were well attended. A training session was held monthly. Participation in weekly club trips to a variety of local and distant climbing areas was high.

Some of our section members joined a summer expedition to Peru, while others attended the outing of the Canadian Alpine Club and visited Wyoming, Colorado, and California mountains.

Joseph E. Jensen, Chairman