Cordillera Darwin, Tierra del Fuego, 1970-71

South America, Chilean and Argentine Patagonia
Author: Michael Andrews. Climb Year: N/A. Publication Year: 1974.

The following is a list of ascents made in the 1970-1 season in the Cordillera Darwin on Tierro del Fuego: Cerro Darwin (8032 feet) by M. Andrews, N. Banks, M. Taylor, P. Radcliffe, P. James, N. Bennett, R. Heffernan on December 30, 1970, two unnamed peaks northeast of Cerro Darwin (c. 7200 and c. 6500 feet) by Banks and Bennett on December 19 and by Cerro Darwin group respectively on December 30; “Pico Jano” east of Cerro Darwin and between Cuevas and Roncagli Glaciers (c. 7500 feet) by Andrews, Radcliffe, Banks, Heffernan on January 27, 1971; unnamed east of Bahia Parry (c. 7200 feet; “Ano Nuevo”) by Andrews, Heffernan on January 1, 1971 and on the 8th by Radcliffe, Banks; “Pico Tridente” and unnamed on peninsula between the inlets that form the head of Bahía Parry (5500 and 5800 feet) by Taylor, James, Bennett and by Andrews, Banks, Heffernan respectively. All were first ascents. Cerro Darwin, the second highest peak of Tierra del Fuego, has been so named since the days of the early voyages through the Beagle Channel and appears as such on the maps of the Chilean Instituto Geográfico Militär. The massif climbed by Shipton, which contains the highest peak on the island, was named by him Monte Darwin I, II and III. To avoid obvious confusion we have suggested to local authorities that the name for the “historical” Darwin survive and that Shipton’s Darwin (a mile farther north and the highest peak) be named Monte Shipton. The peak named Cerro Yagán by Shipton and said by him to be the same as that named Luigi di Savoia by de Agostini is in our view an entirely different peak. Saboya is a prominent tower of about 6000 feet close to the northern arm of the head of Bahía Parry, while Yagán appears to be a notable snow peak, the highest in the dividing range between Bahía Parry and Bahía Brookes.

Michael Andrews, New Zealand Alpine Club