South America, Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Sangay and Chimborazo

Publication Year: 1974.

Cotopaxi, Sangay and Chimborazo. A group of 11 Czechs, three Poles and a Russian were active in Ecuador from June until October, 1972. Jirí Hales, Miroslav Kruta, Gabriela Zoubková and I made a new route to the east summit of Cotopaxi from the northeast and bivouacked on the top. Bedrich Mlcoch and Jerzy Dobrzynski, supported by Blaho- slav Braun, Vladimír Lysenko, Andrezej Paulo and me, made the probably first descent into the active crater of Cotopaxi. Mlcoch, Lenka Hradecká, Petr Hradecký, Zoubková, Lysenko and I traversed for the first time the Rumiñahui ridge from south to north. Mnislav Zelený, Hradecký and wife, Mlcoch, Lsyenko, Braun and I climbed Sangay from Alao. Paulo, Dobrzynski, Mlcoch, Lysenko, Braun and I climbed Chimborazo from the northwest. Braun and I bivouacked two nights on the summit.

Gustav GInzel, Czechoslovakian Association for Nature and

Landscape Protection, Prague