Field Book, Wind River Range

Publication Year: 1969.

Field Book. Wind River Range, by Orrin H. Bonney and L. Bonney. Revised. Houston: Published by Bonney and Bonney, 1968, 195 pages, 50 photos, 12 aerial photographs, 10 maps. Price $5.95, hard bound; $3.95, paper.

Those acquainted with the first edition of "Bonney and Bonney will welcome the appearance of the second edition with great enthusiasm and gratitude for nowhere else can so much useful information be obtained concerning this range of mountains. The second edition has been published in a light-weight, paper-back edition. As in the first edition, an impressive amount of useful information has been assembled on highway approaches, campgrounds, references to maps, outfitters, trails, distances and routes. The book covers the Bridger, Glacier, and Popo Agie Wilderness areas and the Wind River Reservation.

This reviewer has always found the trail information to be accurate. Although the maps are simple sketches of trails, lakes and glaciers, they are extremely useful in approaching the high country. The description of the climbing routes is less satisfactory, less detailed and less accurate than the approaches but none-the-less valuable. The finest testimonial which can be given for this little book is that rarely does one meet a traveler in the Wind River Range who is not acquainted with it and who does not quote from it with a warm smile of appreciation. It contains a remarkable amount of helpful information.

George Cartwright, M.D.