North America, United States, Wyoming, Tetons, Death Canyon, Cathedral Rock, "Escape from Death"
Death Canyon, Cathedral Rocks, “Escape from Death.” This fine route (II, F7, A2) was climbed from Death Canyon on July 5 by Rick Reese, Ted Wilson, and Mike Ermarth. Starting in a large, prominent chimney at the base of the southwest ridge of Cathedral Rock, two pitches led past an overhang in the steep polished chimney to a large belay ledge. The third lead began left on easy rock out onto a steep difficult (F7) face where, after angling back to the right, the pitch ended on a small, out-sloping ledge; the belay here was semi-hanging. The slightly overhanging jam crack above was climbed up and right (east) to a more comfortable belay ledge. From the right end of this ledge a long lead beginning with an orange slab ended above on a ledge just beneath an overhanging wall. After scrambling left for 30 feet, the party ascended an obvious chimney. Above, an overhanging A2 jam-crack eased off to free climbing to the end of the route. Descent was made by scrambling up and left to a large tree-covered ledge leading down to the northwest. From the end of this ledge two rappels took them down to the scree leading easily back to the Death Canyon Trail after 7½ hours of enjoyable climbing.