Wisconsin Hoofer Mountaineers

Publication Year: 1966.

Wisconsin Hoofer Mountaineers. This year saw considerable activity in the club, both in rock climbing and mountaineering generally. Although official outings were limited in the spring, members individually spent much time at Devils Lake and other local practice areas within easy reach of the University of Wisconsin. Once again June brought our annual trek to the Tetons. A large number of early season climbs were completed in very favorable weather. The 22 climbers present represented one of the largest groups to attend a Hoofer mountain trip. While some of the group had to return to summer school, several remained in the Tetons to accomplish several of the more difficult rock climbs there. Others visited various mountain regions in the West, the Bugaboos and Selkirks in Canada, and in Europe. Fall brought a return to school, and to the club many new members, several with good climbing experience already behind them. This infusion of new blood increased the Hoofer’s strength and activity to an all-time high. With Devils Lake always the focus of our attention, longer trips were taken from Madison to other midwestern climbing areas. In October five members climbed Devils Tower in Wyoming, and several climbed on the Needles in South Dakota. A small group visited Seneca Rock in West Virginia during Thanksgiving. A Christmas trip to Mexico climaxed the year with an ascent of Popocateptl and an attempt on Orizaba. Plans for the summer of 1966 include Mount McKinley, an expedition to a seldom visited section of the Selkirks, Yosemite Park, and, of course, the Tetons.

Alan Rubin, Vice-Chairman