Wisconsin Hoofer Mountaineers

Publication Year: 1965.

Wisconsin Hoofer Mountaineers. Our year began with the return from our Christmas trip to Mexico. Members of the party were still nursing the last traces of “tourista” and many saddle sores from the long ride. Only four people of our sizable group climbed Popocatepetl, but everyone gained useful knowledge about altitude climbing.

Spring arrived early, and soon we were scrambling over our old friends, the rock climbs at Devils Lake. We upheld a club tradition by arriving in the Tetons early and made the first ascent in the park for the year. Our luck did not hold, however, and bad weather drove us off many peaks attempted later. A second group arrived in the Tetons in late June and completed several climbs we had been forced to give up earlier. The club’s organized activities faltered over the summer, being replaced by individual trips to Rainier, Hood, Whitney, and the Wind Rivers. Our trip to the Selkirks reversed the bad luck we had had with weather in the Tetons, and eight ascents were made during an unusually long stretch of good weather.

Fall brought groups averaging 25 climbers to Devils Lake. These groups, predominantly new climbers, managed to do an unusual number of the more difficult climbs in the state park. In October three of the club’s leaders took a break from the Devils Lake routine to make three ascents in as many days on Devils Tower in Wyoming.

Kenneth Feldman, Chairman