South America, Peru, Peruvian Ascents

Publication Year: 1964.

Peruvian ascents. Peruvians continue to climb more actively each year. In the Cordillera Central, J. Escobar, A. Soriano, M. Arroyo, F. Schlister and S. Hidalgo made the first ascent of Mishipañahui (17,881 feet) on June 2; this peak lies northeast of Lake Marcapomacocha, some 20 miles north of Casapalca. The 7th and 8th ascents of San Andrés (17,389 feet) were made on April 21 by E. Larrabura and A. Ruibal and on October 12 by L. Salcedo and A. Soriano, while on June 2 Doris Morales Arnao, J. Rodriguez, M. Guimaray, J. Torres and A. del Arroyo climbed San Andrés Oeste (West). The 5th and 6th ascents of Yanasinga (17,717 feet) were made on May 19 by J. Rodríguez, G. and M. Guimaray, A. Soriano and C. Milla and on October 7 by E. Soriano. On September 12 Rajuntay (18,209 feet) was climbed by M. Cross and A. Soriano. In the Cordillera de Huaytapallana, Miguel Gómez made the 6th ascent of Lasuntay (18,898 feet) on September 12. In the Cordillera Blanca both peaks of Huascarán were climbed: the South Peak (22,205 feet) on July 28 by A.P.G.L. and Ananías Yanac, F. Blácido and F. Cabello and the North Peak (21,834 feet) on August 10 by F. Mautino and A. Soriano. On May 26 J. Castillo, La Rosa Sánchez, A. Ames, F. Mautino, J. Huaman, C. Peñaranda and O. Zúñiga made the 4th ascent of Rimarima (17,093 feet) and on July 26 M. Morales and M. Camones made the 5th. E. Vargas, P. Baltazar, P. Morales and A. Jamanca made the ascent of Ranrapalca (20,217 feet) on July 26. S. Ramos, I. and P. Mamami, J. Escobar, M. Luna, A. Quinteros and S. Zúñiga climbed Jangyraju Oeste (18,307 feet) on July 31, while Olinda, Doris and César Morales Arnao and A. del Arroyo climbed nearby Vallunaraju Sur (16,798 feet). On July 23 J. Haro, M. Yupanqui, G. Torres and G. Robles climbed Paccharuri (17,470 feet). The 7th ascent of San Cristóbal of Carhuac (16,765 feet) was made on July 20 by F. Blácido, A. and L. Yanac and F. Cabello, who also made the 3rd ascent of Huamashraju (17,824 feet) on August 3.

César Morales Arnao, Club Andino Peruanoh