Asia, Nepal, Gangchhen Ledrub, Langtang Himal
Gangchhen Ledrub, Langtang Himal. A Japanese expedition was active in the Langtang Himal, being the third Japanese group in the region. (See A.A.J., 1959, 11:2, pp. 245-6 and A.A.J., 1960, 12:1, p. 69.) They were above 20,000 feet on Gangchhen Ledrub (or Lantang Lirung) (23,771 feet) when on May 11 an avalanche swept to their deaths the leader Kaichi Morimoto and Kenichi Oshima and the Sherpa Gyaltsen Norbu. The latter had made the ascent of two 8000ers, Makalu with the French, and Manaslu with the Japanese. While a rescue of the climbers was being attempted, a second avalanche swept down on the party, but although there were injuries, no more fatalities occurred. The expedition gave up its efforts to climb the mountain after the accident and returned to civilization.