Chicago Mountaineering Club

Publication Year: 1960.

Chicago Mountaineering Club. Activities continued much the same as in years past. The membership now stands at 146 with 57 qualified rope leaders.

The club held local climbs about once a month throughout the year. Most of these were held at Devils Lake, Wisconsin, with others at Mississippi Palisades State Park near Savannah, Illinois; an abandoned quarry near Joliet; and a week-end of ice climbing at Starved Rock State Park near Ottowa, Illinois. No serious accidents were encountered during the year. An eight-man safety committee is responsible for qualifying leaders and for other safety programs as needed. The club offers monthly mountaineering programs in downtown Chicago and issues a newsletter six times a year to its members.

The club held a two-week outing in the Needle Mountains near Durango, Colorado. A group of 61 people camped from July 27 to August 7 at the head of Noname Creek in the San Juan Wilderness Area. Despite poor weather there was an abundance of fine climbs which included Heisspitz, 4, 5, 10, Jagged, Knifepoint, Sunlight, Windom, Needle Ridge traverse, Thumbs, Glacier Point, Eolus, Monitor, and Scepter. The next Western outing will be held in the summer of 1961.

Grover Hartsuch, Outing Chairman