Art in Switzerland
Publication Year: 1955.
Art in Switzerland, by Peter Meyer, translated with an introduction by Mary Hottinger. 8vo., 103 pages with many illustrations, some in color. London: Nicholson and Watson (Zürich: Spiegel Verlag), 1946. Price, Sw. Fr. 4.35.
This is a small but comprehensive summary of Swiss Art from the earliest times to the present day; from the prehistoric and Roman periods through the Middle Ages, Gothic and Renaissance to Romanticism and Classicism. The treasures of Aventicum, St. Maurice, and St. Gall are depicted; Konrad Witz’s “Miraculous Draught of Fishes” (1492), with Mont Blanc in the background, appears in color, and we are brought down to Calame, Böcklin, Hodler, and Amiet. Architectural features of the country are also included.
J. M. T.