North America, U.S., Wyoming, Tetons, Northern Peaks
Publication Year: 1955.
Northern Peaks. The northern section of the range has been little climbed and several unclimbed peaks still remain. On July 27th and 28th, 1953, Leigh Ortenburger and Bill Buckingham made the first ascents of the unnamed peaks, 10,950 feet and 11,117 feet, west of Mt. Moran. Reynolds Peak was climbed August 15, 1954, by Roald Fryxell and Gene Balaz, who found a cairn on the summit but no record. It had probably been climbed earlier by a surveying party. Peak 10,750+ feet, just west of Doane Peak, was climbed for the first time by Roald and Tom Fryxell and Earle McBride August 26, 1954. None of these peaks is difficult, but climbers have been discouraged from approaching them because of the long bushwhack involved.
Leigh Ortenburger