Guide to the Colorado Mountains
Guide to the Colorado Mountains, edited by Robert M. Ormes. 188 pages, 32 maps, 34 illustrations, 6 in color. Denver: Sage Books, Inc., 1952. Price, $3.50.
This is a joint endeavor in which Mr. Ormes and the Guide Book Committee of the Colorado Mountain Club have brought together the knowledge and experience of those most familiar with the Colorado Rockies. Ormes has worked out an excellent method of handling the enormous amount of material so that it is of the most use and interest to mountain lovers, whether they are interested primarily in technical mountaineering or feel the many other attractions of being in the hills. A person interested in a hiking trip receives good general information and directions which will permit him to make the most of his mountain holiday. The climber interested in the more difficult ascents also gets good directions, and the approaches to the major mountain areas are clearly indicated. In this reviewer’s opinion, the handling of the route descriptions on specific peaks is excellent and follows the tradition of American mountaineering in which route finding has always been a major—and most satisfying—element. The descriptions are not given in the detail of many European guidebooks but are completely adequate for the climber interested in finding his own way.
This book is a valuable addition to mountaineering literature, and in the breadth of its coverage and the lively spirit with which it is written it will do much to make the Colorado Rockies more accessible and satisfying to all of us.
William P. House