Südtiroler Volksleben

Publication Year: 1954.

Südtiroler Volksleben, by Karl Th. Hoeninger. 104 pages, illustrated from 170 paintings and sketches by Albert Stolz. Innsbruck-Vienna: Tyrolia-Verlag. Price, $2.50.

Albert Stolz was the artist chronicler of the southern Tyrolese people, his work done primarily in Bolzano, where it is to be seen in frescoes of public and private buildings, in inns and hotels, as well as in galleries and numerous publications. Stolz was born in 1875 and died in 1947, losing his studio and a lifetime of work in the bombing of his city in 1943. Fortunately his major compositions were widely distributed and are still extant, his gaiety recorded in the harvest frescoes for the Villa Defregger, his many studies of peasant life, and even in the remarkable Dance of Death for the churchyard of Sexten, where Sepp Innerkofler lies. The text by Hoenninger is largely biographical, with a full exposition of the artist’s recording of his time.

J. M. T.