Living Country Customs in Salzburg

Publication Year: 1954.

Living Country Customs in Salzburg, by Prunella C. Pott-Flatz. 64 pages, with illustrations from the author’s pen drawings. Salzburg: Karl Gordon, 1950. Price, $1.00.

This little book, written in English, is sponsored by the Folklore Department, Government of Land Salzburg. It presents the year’s round of Salzburg customs, seen with foreign, yet happily understanding, eyes. It begins with the Twelfth Night march in honor of Perchta, the Germanic goddess of nature, and follows the seasons through Palm Sunday and St. George’s Day to Corpus Christi and the Riders of St. Leonhard, the Return from the Alp in autumn, and finally Advent and the Twelfth Night Wassail Singers.

J. M. T.