Dartmouth Mountaineering Club
Dartmouth Mountaineering Club. Last fall the D.M.C. sponsored a six-week course in rock climbing. Most of the participants were members of the Club or candidates for membership, but instruction was offered to any student who wished to satisfy the college requirement in physical education. Seven student members of the Club served as instructors. The class was divided into small groups which studied technique on pitches of increasing difficulty. Members were well grounded in principles that they will be able to apply on climbs during the summer.
In winter members of the Club have the opportunity to attend classes sponsored by the Dartmouth Outing Club. The following problems are dealt with by the college arctic specialists and by guest speakers: clothing, equipment, forest camping, weather, diet, winter mountaineering, first aid, maps and navigation, use of machinery in cold weather, snow and ice operations, and air operations. Classes are held once a week and are supplemented by practical problems.
Last summer members climbed in Wyoming, Colorado and Mexico. Two ascended Devil’s Tower. Trips to Mt. Washington and Katahdin are planned for the spring of 1951, and a trip to Alaska is being considered by two members.
Jerry More