A.A.C., Cascade Section
United States: Activities of the Clubs
A.A.C., Cascade Section. As usual, the Section enjoyed an active year. Several members attended the annual outings of the A.C.C. and the Mountaineers at Mt. Robson. Fred Ayres and Don Woods made a number of fine ascents in the Canadian Rockies and Cascades; Fred Beckey continued his exploration and climbing in the Cashmere Crags; Robert Craig had a successful season as manager of the Mt. Rainier Guide Service, which took 60 people to the summit;1 Dr. Peter Misch and Dee Molenaar made several ascents in the Northern Cascades during a two-month period of geological reconnaissance and mapping under a grant from the Geological Society of America. Four members are now permanently employed on the ranger staff at Mt. Rainier National Park: Gordon Patterson, Elvin Johnson, and Cornelius and Dee Molenaar.
The Third Annual Pacific Northwest Mountaineering Conference was held at Paradise on 9 and 10 September 1950. In attendance were representatives of the National Park Service, Forest Service, Coast Guard, Ski Patrol, Mountaineers, Mazamas, Washington Alpine Club and A.A.C. Interest was focused on search-and-rescue problems and on the newly-developed “sliding middleman” technique.
The Section’s Annual Banquet was held on 4 November 1950, on the campus of the University of Washington. After dinner, the 35 members and guests saw colored slides of recent trips. John Hossack was elected chairman of the Section for the coming year.
D. Molenaar
1The number of independent climbers who reached the summit during the summer of 1950 was 170.