Guide to the John Muir Trail and the High Sierra Region

Publication Year: 1935.

Guide to the John Muir Trail and the High Sierra Region, by Walter A. Starr, Jr. xiii + 145 pages, with frontispiece and map. San Francisco: The Sierra Club, 1934.

This is the first comprehensive guide to the High Sierra trails to be published. One is assured that it is substantially correct, and that it will serve its purpose as a useful guide to those who seek its assistance. As time goes on new trails will be built and old routes will be changed, so that new editions will be required to keep pace with the times. The regions covered are : Yosemite National Park; Middle Fork of San Joaquin River; South Fork of San Joaquin River; Middle Fork of Kings River; South Fork of Kings River ; Sequoia National Park.

The author, a brilliant young member of the Sierra Club, lost his life on The Minarets in August, 1933, joining the grand company of those who have not come back. His notes were collected and edited with scrupulous care by his father as an enduring memorial.

One wishes that, in future editions, a smaller size might be used, allowing the book to fit a pocket.